Since I was a child, I have found pleasure in discovering beauty and perfection in every aspect of my life – in arranging a flower bouquet or making a hand-drawn school presentation poster. I soon discovered that it is via creativity that I can truly express myself. Since then, my pursuit of beauty has evolved in different fields: from arts, creative writing, and music, to my studies at the Faculty of Architecture where it finally developed into a great passion for graphic design which is now my everyday need and joy.
One year before my graduation year, in 2016, I managed to win the 1st prize at four different public anonymous creative competitions. This has been kind of a breakthrough opportunity for me and somehow also an “outside confirmation” that my guts for switching from architecture to graphic design were right.
Since then I have been passionately working in the field of graphic design, firstly in the business collective of two big marketing agencies in Ljubljana and from spring 2022 as self-employed. And I believe that exactly these two work environment experiences have made me as competitive and as professional as I can be. As I have spent some years in a “big marketing world” with its high pace and large scaled projects, I have realized that only as a self-employed I can take significantly more time for a personal approach to a project and towards a client.
I know some ways in the world of graphic web design but I am specialized in branding and in offline graphic design (print) in general. I face design challenges with a lot of energy and enthusiasm combined with a strong hands-on mentality and attention to detail. Please feel free to contact me using the form below.
"Ana ima nor občutek za estetiko, istočasno je zelo kreativna, disciplinirana in sproščena. Z odlično komunikacijo je ustvarila dizajn, ki je postal nepogrešljiv del moje zgodbe. Na še mnoga sodelovanja!"
Petra, Ristić, Viga.fotografia
"Delo z Ano je navdihujoče. Ne samo, da se vsakemu izdelku v celoti posveti in ga do potankosti izdela, aktivno sodeluje tudi pri predlogih, usklajevanjih in dilemah, ki se sprva zdijo nerešljive. Ana vedno najde rešitev za marsikatero oblikovalsko zagato in poskrbi, da je celostna podoba projekta ali pa kar celotnega podjetja, profesionalna, pristna in stilsko dovršena. Vesela sem, da lahko sodelujem z njo in prepričana sem, da bo najino sodelovanje obrodilo še mnogo čudovitih rezultatov. Njena predanost in ljubezen do dela sta izjemni. Priporočam jo z največjo gotovostjo – izdelki, ki jih bo Ana Kompara pripravila za vas, bodo brez dvoma pustili odličen vtis na vaše stranke in poslovne partnerje."
Kristina Suhadolnik, vodja marketinga, Terme Topolšica
"Do Ane sem prišla preko priporočila. Že ob prvem srečanju sem dobila občutek, da sem našla pravo osebo, ki mi bo pomagala urediti celotno grafično podobo ter spremeniti logotip. Ana je vedela, kaj želim in kako mi to pomagati uresničiti. Všeč mi je bila njena profesionalnost in sposobnost, da se je znala vživeti v mojo blagovno znamko. Vedno je upoštevala moje predloge, jih nadgradila ter izboljšala. Vsi materiale, ki mi jih je pripravila, so izpadli točno tako, kot sem si zamislila, če ne še boljše. Vse mi je všeč: logotip, vizitke, darilni boni, čestitke, letaki, plakati. Vse sestavlja celoto in zgodbo. Zelo sem bila zadovoljna s storitvijo in z veseljem jo priporočam naprej."
Andreja Obal,
"We have worked with Ana on a few projects so far and I have nothing less to say than it is an absolute pleasure to cooperate with a business partner like Ana. Ana's approach is always highly professional, fully focused on each project, clients' needs, and final output. Ana also possesses a wide range of experience and knowledge, therefore her suggestions for our projects were more than a welcomed extra added value for us. We are looking forward to our future projects."
Bojan Trifković, Bocon, hospitality business consulting